PKI 2.0 Conference (21.10.2021)

In the digital ecosystem, PKI management appears to be one of the most complex, yet strongly effective systems. Some parts of the technology are fastly evolving, and other parts remain the same for decades. Our Global Conference hosted roundtable discussions, knowledge sessions and networking meetings where the main topic was the capabilities and development of the PKI.


Evolution of trust - get ready for PKI 2.0

The evolution of PKI creates a growing mismatch between the needs of companies and the capabilities that legacy software and hardware can provide. At the virtual roundtable, four experts discussed the PKI present and future and addressed the ongoing PKI changes. The central topic of discussion was the question of what does the future of PKI look like and what are the current PKI trends?


  • Julien Larsonneur
  • Adam Ross
  • Nevenko Bartolinčić